Saturday, March 12, 2011

Long Distance Blues

So, guess what!?..... The mandatory land line phone that all of the RAs have at RIT does not allow out of state calling!  As a matter of fact, none of the telephones at RIT allow you to call long distance without a phone card. Isn't that great!!!


I am so livid about not being able to call long distance, I almost can't even describe.  I have friends and family that are not from New York State, as do many of the students at such a large school.  Let's use some common sense here RIT, you aren't charging your students for cable, but long distance calling requires a phone card. Hmmm.

Anyway, this is one of the things that is going to suck about not having a cell phone.  See, two of by bestest friends in the whole wide world are long distance.  Heather and Kirsten really came though during this whole "college" ordeal, and hence, both are irreplaceable parts of my life.

Heather was my roommate freshman year at Ithaca College, and despite the fact that I hated it there she really got me through a lot.  We met at orientation, and immediately knew that we were soul mates. During the weekend of orientation we decided to be roommates, and the rest has been history.  It was an amazing year, living in Boothroyd, and although I left Ithaca we still make an effort to see each other 3 or 4 times a year... an effort that may be considerably more challenging now that I can't call her.

Heather and I, gorgeous in the gorges.

Kirsten... Well, let's just say Kirsten pulled me through a couple years at RIT.  Her fun, adventurous spirit was always a great escape from the realities of my life, and I learned a lot from her about living (and not taking life too seriously) before she graduated and moved back to Minnesota.

Kirsten and I... obviously very amused at some ResLife function. lol.

What's funny is that both of these fabulous women went to school in New York State (Heather still does, until May), so they are not technically "long distance".  However, because I'm calling their cell phones, I'm calling Maryland and Minnesota. 

Through all of the frustration, I've made it home for the weekend.  Alas, I can use my home phone to call my two loves and inform the of this horrible travesty.  Thank God my parents aren't as cheap as RIT.