Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Well... I'm Back!

Hi Everyone! I'm back to blogging after my full summer of doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  Well, really I did some stuff... I lifeguarded for the Town of Canandaigua, and I got a puppy (so pretty much I did... that's right, absolutely nothing). It was wonderful.  After a year of being stressed to the point that my brain was leaking out of my ears, having a summer of fun was the best way I could have spent my time.  I honestly haven't thought much about not having a cell phone, but a few interesting things have reminded me of mobile tech.

First of all, this new technology about depositing your checks via smartphone is almost the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.  For those of you who haven't seen the commercials, check out this video.

Really!?.... Does anybody else find this super sketchy?   There are so many crazies out there that could easily hack your account and get all of your information.  Not to mention if your phone becomes missing or stolen, someone will most likely be smart enough to hack your passcode and enter your account.  Are you really so lazy that you can't make it to the bank?  Is there some sort of rush? Are these people paying for their honeymoon with checks from their wedding!!!??? I don't want anyone sending pictures of checks that I write around on a cell phone... That's my bank account information, my address, and my signature practically gift wrapped for creepers.  Common sense, newlyweds, get some.

Okay. I've been holding that in all summer because I didn't feel like blogging. So, now to delve into some of the other shenanigans I've run into being cell phoneless.

1) Not having phone numbers.  I've had to hunt people down on Facebook and message them for their numbers because I threw them all away with the Blackberry (it is particularly difficult to stay in touch with friends who no longer have FB, like Sarah Ayers).  It works out for the most part.  Sometimes our inbox conversations will continue into oblivion, and then I have to scroll all the way back up to find their numbers again, but that's okay.  It's still all there on the fabulous internet.

2) Long driving trips. It is generally not advisable, these days, to drive over 3 hours away without a means of contact (thanks to all you psychopaths out there who make the world a "better" place).  This July I was blessed with the opportunity to journey to the far of land of Ohio for my cousin's wedding.  Well, the seven hour drive didn't sit well with my folks.  So they gave me dad's cell phone for the road.  This is me admitting that I carried a cell phone for a weekend, but it was not mine and so I have not broken the rule of not owning a cell phone.  I guess it was nice to have some sort of reassurance on the open road.  Luckily enough, I didn't have to use it in any troubling circumstance.

3) My friends hate me for not being "textable".   Had a bazzilion complaints about not being reachable by text message.  Some even say that this lack of communication is causing a rift in our friendships... Well, I wish I cared because apparently they don't, or they'd make time to call my landline.  Despite all of this, I have managed to maintain my friendships and have even re-connected with some old companions.  Although, I must say that I'm beginning to feel the "distance" between myself and the rest of the world due to my communication barrier. 

So that is pretty much all I have to say on the subject as of today.  Here are some pictures of my puppy because she is wonderful and I love her.

Blurry Cami.

Playing Cami.

Cuddly Cami... and David. lol.

Bye for now, everyoneeeeeeeeee! :)